Thursday, September 11, 2014

What do you call her??

So I read blogs everyday. I definitely have my favorites but discovering new ones all the time. Recently on marriagerecoveryblog, a conversation was had about what to call the affair partner, the other woman, etc.  Both of these seem so civilized and acceptable. Mmmmmm fucking someone's husband, destroying a family, being just a cunt who shouldn't breathe air is not there were different offerings of names for her. I found GREAT comic relief in this exercise.  Let me just name a few for you.....mine has been FUSTC (pronounced fus-tee-see) which means fucking ugly stanky cunt. Some others were bit on the side, pig shit, skank, skunked, dirtbag, whore, CUNT (post DDay when I had her cell number, I made that her name in my phone book-but it didn't describe her well enough...hence FUSTC), pit faced whore (saying this one kinda makes me smile-gotta admit), ever ready jenny (sadly this one fits her as well, I will never like or be friends with anyone named Jenn-with two N's don't forget orJennifer in my lifetime). Well today someone posted their favorites and they have made me smile uncontrollably and actually guffaw.

Are you ready?

Are you sure?

Cum dumpster or sperm whale. Bwahahahahahaha I tear up laughing as I type. Wait. No crying. This is funny. Fucking funny. Dammit. I hate my life.

What do you call her??

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am so glad I was able to make you laugh. It's the little things that lift us up sometimes and get us through. I have about a million names for the whore. She outweighs me by about a hundred pounds, and my husband was NOT her first married man. So with that back story said, here are two for today: the rent-a-whore, and the pillsbury dough whore.