Monday, September 29, 2014

Happy survival day

Antiversary day.....and I am strangely okay. I didn't say great mind you but I am okay.  It is survival day-rejoicing in that survival. And I have grown in the last year...a lot...

Prior to a year ago, my husband could turn anything around and make me feel guilty about my opinion, and I think I forgot what my opinion felt like. I always...yes always..caved.

He called last night and kind of went that same direction (on purpose?? I don't know but it doesn't matter). He was in a bad place yesterday-too much going on in life for a man whose only stress coping skills have  included escaping by running to FUSTC, or his job, or beer, or, or, or....anything but whatever is causing the stress. And he was kind of a jerk....not kind of. He was a jerk.

And I stood up.

I. stood. up. Loud and proud (in a good way lol). Strong in my stance. Not in the hopes of changing him but in understanding who I am and what is important to me-and learning what I can and cannot live with in my husband. What I do with that is entirely up to me. I do not HAVE to live like this anymore. I love him and want to stay married to him and fix all the broken but I don't HAVE to. I am free, not chained to a life I where I am just along for the ride. I stood up.

And him seeing that growth in me, sent him back pedaling and apologizing.

Happy survival day. F-you antiversary day. F-you.