Sunday, June 1, 2014

No More Man TV

Plan B. I am not a plan b type person. I know God hates divorce. I know God wants me to stay married. I absolutely know that He can heal, restore, make better than I could ever dream or imagine. That is plan a.  But since I have no control over other people, I just may have to accept plan B. Long walks hand in hand dog. Cooking that special meal for....myself.  Christmas morning....ugg can't look at that one yet. Always getting to pick the movie. Always controlling the remote. The only dirty underwear I have to wash are mine. Wanna go to early church-I can. Late church-yep I can. Quiet. Peace and quiet.....okay maybe can't face all that quiet yet either. My point is God knows I don't want plan b. He knows I want what He wants. And wherever this awful world takes me, He is there. Always. And while I have never felt so alone in all my life, He is with me, comforting me, protecting me, walking with me. So while I am not a plan b person, God is going to walk thru it with me....and on the other side, it may just be full of blessing, better than I could have ever dreamed or imagined.

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